fear of being stared at
Scoptophobia or the Fear of Being Stared At
ScophobiaScopophobia, scotophobia, or ophthalmophobia is characterized by being seen or others. Scopofobiascotophobiaofobia The term scopophobia comes from σκοπ Conceptω skopeō, "look, examine", and φόβος phobos, "temor". The ophthalmophobia comes from the Greek γφθαλμός ophthalmos, "eye". IndicesSigns and symptoms[ ] Individuals with scopophobia usually have symptoms in social situations when they are called attention as . There are several other triggers to cause . Some examples include: Being introduced to new people, being mocked and/or criticized, shameful easily, and even responding to a phone call in public. Often scopophobia will result in common symptoms with others. Symptoms of scopophobia include irrational feelings of , feelings of terror, feelings of fear, fast heartbeat, lack of breath, nausea, , trembling, anxiety and . Other symptoms related to scopophobia may be , muscle tension, dizziness, uncontrollable tremor or tremor, excessive eye irrigation and redness of the eyes. Related Syndromes[]Although scopophobia is a solitary disorder, many individuals with scopophobia also commonly experience others. Spophobia has been related to many other irrational fears and phobias. Specific phobias and syndromes similar to scopophobia include, the fear of (which is especially found in young people), and a 's fear of being seen, which can precipitate such an attack. Scophobia is also commonly associated with and other psychiatric disorders. It is not considered indicative of other disorders, but is considered a psychological problem that can be treated independently. The sociologist suggested that the dyeing of casual looks on the street remained one of the characteristic symptoms of the public. Many patients with scopophobia develop habits of or . Another related syndrome, but very different, , is the excessive enjoyment of looking at erotic elements. Causes[]Scopophobia is unique among the phobias in which the fear of being looked at is regarded as much as , because it is a specific occurrence that takes place in a social environment. Most phobias usually fall in one category or the other, but scopophobia can be placed in both. On the other hand, as with most phobias, scopophobia usually arises from a traumatic event in the life of the person. With scopophobia, it is likely that the person was subjected to ridiculous public as a child. In addition, a person with scopophobia can often be the subject of a public look, possibly due to a physical disability. According to the Association of Societies of Social Fiobia/Social Anxiety, data from the United States government for 2012 suggest that social anxiety affects more than 7% of the population at any time. Crossed throughout life, the percentage increases to 13%. Psychoanalytic views[]Building in the concept of the eye as a , psychoanalysts have linked scopophobia to a (repressed) fear of looking, as well as an inhibition of . Freud also referred to scopophobia as a "dread of the " and "the function of observing and criticizing himself" during his research in the "eye" and "transformed". In some explanations, the equation of being looked with a feeling of being criticized or despised reveals as a motivating force behind scopophobia. In adolescence, with its growing awareness of the constitutive, shame can exacerbate the feelings of erythrophobia and scopophobia. Treatments[]There are several options for treating scopophobia. With an option, the patient is looking for a long period and then describes his feelings. Hope is that the individual will be desensitized to be looked at or will discover the root of his scopophobia. another commonly prescribed treatment has five steps: At the evaluation stage, the scopophobic individual would describe his fear of the therapist and try to figure out when and why this fear developed. The feedback stage is when the therapist offers a way to treat phobia. Then a hierarchy of fear develops, where the individual creates a list of scenarios that involve his fear, each becomes worse and worse. Exposure implies that the individual is exposed to scenarios and situations in his hierarchy of fear. Finally, the building is when the patient, comfortable with one step, moves to the next. As with many human health problems, there are support groups for scopophobic individuals. Being around other people facing the same problems can often create a more comfortable environment. [] Other suggested treatments for scopophobia include , (LPN), and . In extreme cases of scopophobia, the subject may be prescribed anti-anxiety medications. Medicines may include , , or . History[]Phobias has a long history. The concept of social phobias was mentioned as long ago as 400 BC. One of the first references to scopophobia was by whom he commented on an overly shy individual, explaining that such person "loves darkness as light" and "thinks that every man observes it. " The term "socialphobia" (fobie sociale) was first coined in 1903 by French psychiatrist. He used this term to describe the patients of his person who exhibited fear of being observed while participating in daily activities such as speaking, playing the piano or writing. In 1906 the journal The Alienist and Neurologist described the scopophobia: Then there is a being seen and a shame, which is seen in the asylums. [...] We call it scopophobia—a morbid fear of being seen. To a lesser degree, it is a morbid shame, and the patient covers the face with his hands. To a greater extent, the patient will refuse the visitor and escape from his sight where this is possible. Spophobia is more common among women than among men. Then there is a being seen and a shame, which is seen in the asylums. [...] We call it scopophobia—a morbid fear of being seen. To a lesser degree, it is a morbid shame, and the patient covers the face with his hands. To a greater extent, the patient will refuse the visitor and escape from his sight where this is possible. Spophobia is more common among women than among men. Later on in the same document (p. 285) scopophobia is defined as "a fear of seeing people or being seen, especially in strange faces." In popular culture[]See also[]References[]ababcab26abab More Reading[] Navigation menu Personal tools Named spaces Variants Views More Search Navigation Contributed Tools Printing/exporting Languages
The Feeling of Being stared At
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